If you listen – a John Squadra quotation

First I read this quotation a few weeks ago because someone chose it for their One Little Word’s page.  When I wanted to pair it with a photo, I immediately thought of this one from our trip to Italy last summer.

As soon as I saw these flowers growing out of a concrete bridge in Rome’s Villa Borghese gardens, I was reminded of all the children, flowers, and communities that thrive and even blossom despite overwhelming odds against them.  I’m drawn to them… to appreciate their random placement regardless of logic.  How lovely that they bring a spot a brightness to a rather simple path.  

Share what resonates for you in this picture or this quotation.

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I invite stillness

and lean into a new pace.

Rushing and multitasking

can give way to

the Mediterranean breeze

and quiet.

Sunshine, flowering vines,

a canopy of trees.

Here my respite


It’s a struggle

to surrender

to the quiet,

to let my inner chatter

soften to whispers

of self care.

A sudden realization:

there will not be time enough

to accomplish it all.

So I let it go,

put down my computer

pick up a pen.

This grounding is what

I’ve been waiting for.

Time to come back to my self,

check in, and say hello.


“Wow! It’s been so long.  How have you been?” I ask myself.

“Oh, I’ve been happily busy, dizzy with tasks, a bit overwhelmed, but really very good.”

“I am so happy you finally came to visit.”

“Are you kidding? I was so excited to hear that you are here.”

“I’ve been here all along, waiting for you.”