6 months of books: 6 categories

Oh how I love lists! Inspired by Bellezza of Dolce Bellezza, a beautiful book blog, (here is her 6/6 post), here are some lists about my reading from the first half of this year:

Six books I read most recently:

Six books I enjoyed the most:

Six books that led me into the past:

Six books that led me far away from home:

Six books I started in the first six months of the year and am still reading in July:

Six parenting books:

9 thoughts on “6 months of books: 6 categories

  1. Just wondering….. Has your clock broke or run out of battery? Or do you not know there is just 24 hours per day? ;-)))
    Gosh what a list, I’m truly impressed! I LOVE to read, but I’m not even near…..
    Hey, take care!!

    • Lol, Marie. I was surprised too how many books I’ve read lately because it doesn’t seem that I ever have time to read. That bit of time before bed is very valuable though… and once I get into a book, I can’t put it down. I sneak in moments here and there throughout the day.

  2. What a wonderful post! Thank you so much for taking the idea (originally begun by Book Jotter) and making it personally yours. You have a book I’ve long been meaning to read (The Fault of Our Stars) and others I’ve loved (The Paris Wife). I see even more I’d like to try from your inspiring lists. Not sure how you found me, but I’m glad you did!

    • I had checked out (and returned) The Fault of Our Stars from the library twice before actually reading it. I was very impressed… definitely not just a young adult read. I’ve been following you for about a year now and find your site infinitely inspiring. Paris in July post coming soon too!

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