Behind the Scenes link party

Today I am linking up here with some friends in my BTS class.  I can’t wait to see how everyone answers these questions:

1. What makes you happy?….. in 5 words or less….? giggles, growth, soft textures, hugs

2. Which talent would you most like to have? I would trade my organizational skills for some extra patience.

3. Which words or phrases do you overuse most? “literally,” “awesome,” “no problem,” “recently,” “good job,” and “would you please clean the kitty litter?”

4. What is your favourite movie, book or both?  movie: “Somewhere in Time” with Christopher Reeve and Jane Seymour; book: it’s a tie between Leonore Fleischer’s Shadowlands (based on Nicholson’s screenplay) and A.S. Byatt’s Possession.

5. If you could go anywhere in the world for a creative retreat where might it be? Banff.  Or maybe a fluffy cloud out of this world…

Somewhat related to this post: my life list and my favorite reading

21 thoughts on “Behind the Scenes link party

  1. Well done Naomi! Now I have seen two of you have already posted this assignment, and I haven’t even beginning to start thinking of it yet….. But I’m not gonna panic about it…… Not yet….. 😉
    See you in class!

  2. I’ll have to try the two books you listed. I love your book list 🙂 I emailed the link to my sister too. Great photo of the clouds too, wouldn’t that be fun a cloud retreat?

  3. Great answers, and I haven’t read either of your choices of books…I’m reading the Fifty Shades Trilogy at the moment…I love you B&w photo’s on your flickr thread. Yx

  4. hello lovely…. if you decide to pass along some organizational skills…send them my way. 🙂 I love your list…and yes to Banff too!!!

    so good…. big big gratitude….xo, Kim

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