Mindfulness music – August 1 OLW blog hop

This post is part of the One Little Word Blog Hop where members of Ali Edwards’ OLW class share their monthly assignments or something about their word.  Each month, on the 1st of the month, I’ll participate and then give you a link to the next in line (see the full list of participants at the end of this post).

Our assignment for July was to create a personal playlist for our word.  I’ve thought about “mindful” all month when in the car listening to music or even tuning in more when shopping since some stores play music.  Some of these songs are about paying attention to the present moment and some are simply inspiring to me right now.  Sometimes thinking about why a song is meaningful to you can lead to interesting revelations.  Ali told us it’s more about feeling and emotion than finding the perfect song.

1) Each and every time I hear this song, actually written by Bob Thiele and George David Weiss, I appreciate the physical world around me and how remarkable nature can be.

2) I’ve always loved the melody, but the words remind me, at least this month, to keep pursuing dreams and keep the faith that small wrinkles will get ironed out.

3) Simply true of me.  I think this came up in one of the Inner Excavation chapters and I decided to embrace this aspect of myself rather than try to change it.

4) A friend reminded me recently of a biblical teaching.  Each of us has two pockets, each containing a slip of paper.  On one should be written: I am but dust and ashes, and on the other: The world was created for me.  The secret of living comes from knowing when to reach into each.  The first phrase is spoken by Abraham when he realizes that he’s bargaining with God over Sodom and Gomorrah.  The second phrase is from the Talmud, illustrating that we are all unique individuals, though we are formed from the same mould.  We have worth as individuals and yet we are no more special than the next person.  I also love the that nothing in creation is an accident.  Did Chris Martin mean all this? Who knows.  See #3.

5) Hearing the peppy beat of this song simplifies my day.

6) The Shema is the most important prayer of the Jewish worship service and is also recited in the morning upon rising and in the evening before sleep.  Two reasons it’s related to mindfulness for me… First, my parents taught us to say it before bed every night as kids, and they would listen patiently afterward as we would spout off blessings for practically everyone we knew (“God bless Mommy and Daddy and grandma and grandpa and the grocery store clerk and my teacher and Kenny and Kenny’s mommy and …”).  Also, in the worship service, no matter who is following along in the prayer book and who is not paying attention, it seems that everyone pauses when it’s time to recite the Shema.  I close my eyes and hear the entire congregation singing the words together.  I picture Jews all the world over saying the same prayer and I feel solidarity and calmness.

7) I like the idea of “she’ll make her way” by pursuing these qualities.

8) A great reminder that if we just keep putting one foot in front of the other, trusting that it’ll be ok, it often will.

9) This goes back to the idea that there are no coincidences.  Love that!

I’m so glad to be part of this blog hop!  Some of the artwork these ladies do is just incredible! Now, hop along to visit Veronica for the next OLW post.  She (and each thereafter) will send you on down the list from there until you’ve seen them all.  The rest of the participants are listed below.  I encourage you to visit every blog for more creative fun.

You can read other posts related to my OLW here.

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August 1 OLW Blog Hop Participant List

Margie    http://xnomads.typepad.com

Kara    http://iwannabemewhenigrowup.blogspot.com

Monica    http://scrapinspired.com/tag/one-little-word/

Lisa    http://backtoallen.com/category/challenges/one-little-word/

Donna    http://holimess.blogspot.com/

Mrs. Wookie    http://mrswookieswanderings.blogspot.com/

Monica B     http://questtoperfectimperfection.blogspot.com

Ruth        http://suburbansahm.blogspot.com

Naomi    http://poeticaperture.com/ <— You are here.

Veronica    www.veronicanorris.typepad.com <— Go here next!

Carolina    www.micinnamons.blogspot.com

Cindy    http://seriousplay.typepad.com

Kelly    http://mindingmynest.com

Brighton    www.simplebrighton.com

Nikki    http://www.inkyart.com.au

Amanda    http://scrappnbee.blogspot.com

Tere    http://terecontodomicorazon.blogspot.com/

Cheri    http://cheriandrews.blogspot.com

15 thoughts on “Mindfulness music – August 1 OLW blog hop

  1. I remember the day we moved into our new home hearing Louis Armstrong singing “It’s a wonderful world” while driving into our new town. Every time I hear that song I think of that day and how wonderful our world is in our new home 🙂

  2. I cry every time I hear that Louis Armstrong song – just touches me deep in my soul. It is indeed such a wonderful world. Journey always makes me want to sing along – great collection of songs.

  3. well first i love your cards with the combination of hand-writing and fun purple stamping. and i just love your song choices. i am particularly moved by your bible teachings. really that’s the beginning and the end isn’t it?

    i can really see where your work with inner excavation and now you is showing up here. so touching and honest. and that kind of honesty – vulnerability – is something i’m working on now with self portraits. hard stuff for me. love having friends who inspire. 🙂

I'd love to hear your thoughts.